Let’s be honest with each other…
We feel overwhelmed more than we like to admit. We all like to have it “together” and when we don’t…which is most the time (lets stay honest now) we like to appear like we have it all together.
Life is a lot to handle a lot of the time.
So the other day, I was having a moment. I was overwhelmed. It is good to have a game plan of techniques that work to calm your mind and emotions down so you can think clearly.
Here is a list of things that help me to calm down but remaining honest, I do need to practice these more often.
1.Take 3 deep and slow breaths
3. Make a list
List everything you need to get done and focus on 1 thing at a time. You will accomplish things faster than you think.
4. Speak the Word of God over yourself
I don’t know if I can stress this enough. The words of our mouth create our world. Why wouldn’t they? That’s how God created the universe and we are made in His image.
Here are some biblical confessions you can say:
- God loves me just as much as He loves Jesus (John 17:23)
- God has plans to prosper me and not to harm me (Jeremiah 29:11)
- He will never leave me or forsake me (Hebrews 13:5)
- I will not be anxious about anything but pray about everything in the spirit of thanksgiving and His peace overwhelms me. (John 14:27)
- The Lord perfects everything that concerns me (Psalms 138:8)
- The Lord carry’s out His purpose for me and it is far-over and above anything I can ask, think, or imagine (Ephesians 3:20)
5. Make a list of 10 things you are thankful for
There’s just something about this action that changes your perspective and makes everything look brighter…and a thankful person looks more attractive 😉
6. Jam out to some Praise music and worship the Lord
This one’s a battle to take my eyes off myself and put it on Him but this sure does give the devil a black eye and a sparkle in mine.
I hope some of these suggestions come to mind when you are feeling overwhelmed and need a relaxing tool.
Tata for now,